New External Fellows Join the CVL

By: Web Services Administrator | March 8, 2024

The Center for Vital Longevity is proud to announce the addition of four new external fellows this academic year whose research and expertise will contribute significantly to the center’s ongoing mission of cognitive health for life.

Camilo Ruggero, Jennifer Callahan, Pumpki Lei Su, and Jiahui Gio from the University of Texas at Dallas joined the center’s growing group of external fellows, bringing the total number to 19.

External fellows not only bring a mountain of educational expertise to the table but also a collaborative spirit that helps scientists and students further develop their research efforts.

Dr. Camilo Ruggero, the University of Texas at Dallas.
Dr. Jennifer Callahan, the University of Texas at Dallas.
Dr. Pumpki Lei Su, the University of Texas at Dallas.
Dr. Jiahui Guo, the University of Texas at Dallas.

“The CVL thrives on a culture that values teamwork and shared knowledge, and we are incredibly appreciative of the external fellows who join us in our efforts,” Dr. Michael Rugg, CVL Director.

Click below to view a list of all the CVL’s external fellows, faculty, staff, and volunteers.